Dating in Dubai

The minute you land in Dubai, the first thing you will notice is that the emirate features tall towers and modern amenities. Once the city takes you in, you will realize that expatriates make up most of the population. Dubai is naturally an expat haven, and you will find them in some of the numerous bars and nightclubs hosted in the city. 

Being a melting pot of different nationalities, an expat dating scene has developed in Dubai. This is one of the best places to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds. However, dating may be slightly tricky if you are not familiar with the dating etiquette of this city. As an expat, you should be aware that dating in Dubai isn’t the same as dating in the U.S, U.K, Europe, or other western countries. For one, Dubai is a transient city and this aspect has resulted in people finding it difficult to commit. Even so, there are those who are lucky enough to find someone special.

There is a specific code of conduct that you have to follow if you’re looking to date in Dubai. One of the aspects you should consider are the locals traditions, which are conservative compared to Western norms. So then, are the busy nightclubs, all-day brunches, glitzy parties, fine dining experiences, and luxury living all a façade? 

Let’s take a look at what is acceptable and what’s not in Dubai’s dating scene.

Rules to Follow While Dating in Dubai

As a foreigner in a conservative country, it’s in your best interest to follow the rules below so you can enjoy an active social life and find companionship without the risk of breaking the law.

Be careful while approaching women

Some of the most beautiful in the world live in Dubai. Don’t hit on anyone persistently or ask for their number forcibly. For my super thirsty fellas…While she might look like the most attractive woman in the world, resist taking a photo of her, harassing her, or following her. Doing all these things will definitely get you in trouble. The best thing you can do for your dating life is to respect the local culture and avoid any kind of unacceptable behavior.

Public displays of affection

Unfortunately, what can seem like an innocent thing to you, might not be the same in the eyes of a segment of the public or law enforcement. The farthest you can go when publicly expressing feelings for your partner is a quick peck on their cheek or holding hands. All these rules apply to both the unmarried and the married. If you want to get a little more intimate, stay away from kissing, grabbing, or hugging. Instead, reserve such displays for the privacy of your home.

Be discrete

For you fellas, It’s ok to approach the ladies, but your attempts at getting them to notice you shouldn’t be aggressive in any shape or form. If you’re at an event or somewhere with a mixed crowd, you can walk up to a lady, engage her in conversation, or ask for her number you’re into each other. However, do not try to harass the lady in any way because you’ll get thrown out or get arrested if you’ve committed a serious offense. Keep your hands to yourself and try not to kiss or engage in any kind of unwanted touching.

Keep your dating life private

Emiratis are traditional and pride themselves in preserving their culture and heritage. As a result, they expect everyone who visits their country to respect their traditions. Most Emiratis, especially the younger generation exposed to the Western world, are relatively open-minded and tolerant. However, as with everyone else, there’s a limit to what they will or will not accept.  On November 7th, 2021, the UAE Government, through The Federal Decree-Law No.15 of 2020, introduced some changes to some family and personal laws (the UAE Penal Code Article 356) to improve the living standards of foreign residents. 

According to the new laws, unmarried couples are now allowed to live together. An unrelated man and woman can live together without fear of repercussions from the authorities as long as they’re both consenting adults. After the government passed the amendment, unmarried couples are now allowed to legally share property without worrying about getting into trouble.

How Do People Meet In Dubai?

More often than not, foreigners in Dubai meet people through mutual interests and activitiesOpens in a new tab.. There are, however, other ways of meeting people in Dubai.

Meetup groups is a website that allows people to meet others with similar interests and hobbies in Dubai. If you’re passionate about something like photography, running, or chess, there might be a Meetup group for it already available online! Whether you want to find clubs for people who like to play football or practice salsa, you will find everything you need here. Meet-up groups will help you make friends or scope out a romantic interest easily.

Dubai dating websites 

Some dating websites such as UAE Dating allow foreigners and locals to connect. While the online dating scene in the UAE changes constantly, a significant number of dating sites has been banned. Some people use sites like Tinder(Not the best reputation to be honest) work, other popular dating sites in Dubai include Bumble and Hinge. There are other sites that people use, but you will have to use a VPN to access them. Even so, you might want to employ wisdom and respect the local laws to avoid any run-ins with the law.

Ladies Nights Dubai

 Ladies’ nights are popular all through the week in various venues throughout Dubai. There are plenty of men and women who frequent some of the popular ladies’ nights, and you’re bound to find someone interesting. If the nightlife scene is what you’re looking for, consider ladies’ night a fun way of meeting a potential love interest depending on where you go.

Keep in mind, rejection is part of the process. Unfortunately during the process you’ll meet people who won’t stick around long, no problem. When someone walks out of your life, you now have the time and space to meet other potential mates. I know it sucks when someone doesn’t work out, but after you get over it, there are millions of over people to meet in this city.

The best place to start is want not need. If you’re desperate and think you need to date to experience happiness, you’ll have a hard time. It is easier to attract people into your life when you are already happy, have a purpose, and have hobbies and activitiesOpens in a new tab. that interest you.

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